Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Alaska's Wilderness

Author’s Note: I wrote this piece because I wanted others to be influenced by the Alaskan wilderness. Please take notice on what drilling in Alaska’s Wilderness has effect on the world.

How would you feel if your home was destroyed completely? Your entire life gone. No one should have their life taken away from them. Drilling in Alaska’s wilderness doesn’t only hurt animals, but it can hurt the economy and people. People shouldn’t drill in Alaska’s Wilderness.

The economy will continue to decrease if we continue drilling for our own oil. People keep drilling aimlessly as oil prices soar. Oil prices are going up because people drilling aren’t finding much oil. There are other places to drill instead of in Alaska’s wilderness. Better yet, why don’t we just import most of our oil? It would be much cheaper and hopefully start to improve our economy. Our economy could seriously use a little boost.

Drilling in Alaska's wilderness can not only affect the economy, but it can also take an effect on people living in Alaska. The people of Alaska will need to pay in taxes the amount of money which is needed to drill in their own wilderness! It isn’t fair for them to pay for something most of them don’t even want. Some of the people of Alaska won’t be able to afford to live there anymore if the taxes get too high.

Other than affecting the people of Alaska, drilling for oil will decrease the amount of wildlife significantly. Animals have feelings, too. Even if they can’t talk, I know they are silently pleading for help as huge drills ten times the size of themselves comes crushing onto their homes. People should be careful of animals when they are drilling; they can easily be run over by accident. Caribou, polar bears, grizzly bears, musk oxen, Dall sheep, wolves, wolverines and many more can be severely harmed during the drilling process. Drilling will destroy these animal’s way of life.

People shouldn’t drill in Alaska’s wilderness. There are different ways to conserve the oil. One way is to use more solar power. Another possibility is to walk or ride a bike to places close by. It will not only conserve oil, but will also get you some exercise. Please help the environment and your fellow humans by choosing not to drill for oil and choosing to conserve our precious oil. It won’t last forever.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The World of Paint

Author's Note: I wrote this piece because I felt the need  to express my feeling about a painted world, but not through anything such as a long essay. So, I wrote a poem to show this.

If there were to be a world of paint
Where everything came out of a can
But things were splattered all around
Then everything would be beautiful
Because of all the wonderful colors
From the paint painted on the ground
And other places from town to town

Monday, March 5, 2012

Life has Struggles

Author’s Note: I wrote this essay to show how the book Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli compares to real life and why he wrote the book. I chose this book to write about because it was really interesting and many other people I know have read the book, so I will show them how it compares to real life in this essay.

What would it feel like to be left out, abandoned, or ignored? In the book Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli, Stargirl faces all of these hardships. But why did Jerry Spinelli write a book about a girl being left out, abandoned, and ignored? Jerry Spinelli wrote the book Stargirl to show readers how being ignored by everyone can feel; to show when someone is being ignored, you need to be right there with them and help them through it. Just like in the book Pictures of Hollis Woods by Patricia Reilly Giff.

Being ignored can be as hard of a thing to take care of as a proof in math class. All too many people all over the world are being abandoned or left out. Not being invited to join game of Kickball obviously isn’t as bad as being abandoned from your parents. Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli really reflects the book Pictures of Hollis Woods by Patricia Reilly Giff. In that book, Hollis is dropped off at someones doorstep because her parents no longer cared for her. Ignoring someone can also change their life. Something similar happens with Stargirl. She was popular because she was different, and suddenly everyone changed. No one talked to her. If everyone ignores you, eventually you will become determined to make people notice you.

Not only does this author write Stargirl to show how being ignored by everyone can feel, but also to show when someone is being ignored you need to be right there with them and help them through it. One of Stargirl’s only two friends helps her to try and make the people at their school notice her. Also in the book Pictures of Hollis Woods there are many different families Hollis goes through who try to help her through life. That is exactly what Leo does with Stargirl- helps her through life. It is nice when someone helps you with life because it gives you a great feeling of being loved by someone.

The book Pictures of Hollis Woods reflects the book Stargirl, written by Jerry Spinelli, to show readers how being ignored by everyone can feel; to show when someone is being ignored, you need to be right there with them and help them through it. Everyone in the world should help others in need. Do your part and help out a friend. They will thank you for it.