Author's Note: I've always wanted to see the Aurora Borealis, but I haven't been that far up north to see one. So I decided to write a poem, but in an interesting way. I mean, it isn't exactly in my point of view because I never had a dream with that in it, but it still could happen... Anyways, I do wish to see it one day.
Up to the north we
All warm in our car
We drove and drove
From far away
To the place where
Beauty lays
I look from the car
Into the sky
I see nothing but
Plus a few stars
slightly glowing in the distance
My Mother says,
"Wait patiently
And it will
But as I wait
I grew very tired
As if a bus
Had run me into a
So I slept
Like a bunny
Suddenly I was shook
Just softly
Something barely
brushing me
I look up
The car roof is gone
And beauty is
The lights dance
All happy like on
Christmas Day
The lines of hues of
blues and greens
Flow in an ongoing
That never stops
I didn't want to
look away
Of course though I
had to
For I had woke up
With a violent jolt
I was back to
The sun is creeping
into my room
Like a cat to a
Although I do wish
It was for real and
not merely a dream
The Northern Lights
Are waiting
For me to come
I am here