Author's Note: In psychology class, I was asked to write about which brain dominates for me. Even though everyone uses both sides of their brain, many people have either more left or right brain characteristics.
I am more left brained than right brained. Right brain dominant people tend to be more creative, impulsive, and less organized, while left brain dominant people tend to be logical, careful about decisions, and organized. On both of the tests, I scored much higher for the left hemisphere than I did the right hemisphere. The scores for the first test were 30% and 72%, while the scores for the second test were 37% and 63%. The first test was a little easier to complete because the questions had to be answered in a rating scale. What made the second test harder was that it was either yes or now. However, I really could have answered either of them. For example, one of the questions asked if I found algebra or geometry easier. I thought they were both fairly easy, and I completed both of the courses online in less a year combined in middle school. Another question that was hard to answer was one that asked if when I am hanging a picture, I measure it so it hangs in the middle of the wall, or just eyeball it. I prefer things to be centered, and therefore have a good eye. Plus, I am too lazy to get tools to actually measure it out, but I almost always would do it correct the first time. Although the tests had their flaws, I do believe they were accurate representations of who I am. The explanation the first test provided was perfect: “Left brain dominant individuals are more orderly, literal, articulate, and to the point. They are good at understanding directions and anything that is explicit and logical. They can have trouble comprehending emotions and abstract concepts, they can feel lost when things are not clear, doubting anything that is not stated and proven.” Before taking the tests, I did originally think I was left brain dominant, because although I enjoy music and art, I struggle to come up with original concepts of both. For example, I find it hard to paint something without a reference, and I struggle to write music without putting random notes on the page until it sounds nice. I have always been what I would consider “smart”, fairly organized, and deep in thought about decisions. I tend to be indecisive because when two or more options present themselves to me, I try to think about all the pros and cons I can, but end up not being able to choose without the insight of someone else if there is not a clear answer speaking to me. Overall, my personality and actions mostly reflect those of left brain dominant people.