Author's Note: It is very thought-provoking to think about what you would do if you had one more day to live. So, I wrote a short poem about what I would do if I had one more day to live.
If I had only 1 more day
To live…
I would try to spend
It with my family
I would spend my money
Going fun places
And donating it
To help look for
A cure for cancer
And other
I would say sorry
To anyone I was
Fighting with
I would give
Away things I own
To my family
And to kids in need
I would say goodbye
To everyone I know
And the world would say
Goodbye to me
Hi Lauren. I think I am commenting now, but I don't really know. Anyway, I loved your poem. I think that you could have put in more rhyming words in it so maybe then it might flow together a little better. I liked how you did it though. It was set up really nicely. Next time though, you should really write a whole paragraph about it. I think that then you could have written a lot more details to support your feelings. I can see that you have improved in your poem writing a lot!