Trilogy of Short Stories

Oreo Cookie

Author's Note: I wrote this story because it was inspired by Mr. Graf. He was talking about how to start stories. He started a story, So I used his idea (not his words) to create a short story. Try to picture everything in this story. I think everything comes together so lovely.

It was morning. I rubbed my eyes, taking in the brightness of the awakening sun. Mr. Sun was as gold as a coin that was polished by only the finest golden paint. Dew drops were still on the strands of grass in the small patches around my house. I could feel the mist of the ocean breeze from my porch step. In my hand, I carried a small basket. Inside was a sandwich, a bottle of water, an orange, and 3 oreo cookies. My plan was to sit on the beach and veg all day. I love to just sit back and take it all in. I do this very often. Well, often enough for it to become a habit.

I spotted a turtle walking to it’s babies. Then I saw a crab gliding through the water. I slid off my bright orange flip-flops so I could dip my toes into the ice-cold water. Even though it was cold, it was surprisingly refreshing.

Slowly, I made way back to the spot I like to sit so I could eat. I ate slowly. In fact, I might be able to win a “World’s Slowest Eater” contest if they actually had one. It’s just that I don’t like to devour things, but instead examine them and let the taste settle on my tongue. I do that a lot in life-take it all in. That’s what makes me... ME. I licked the oreo cookie clean of frosting. Then, I did the same thing for the other two. I packed up my little basket and headed for my house. The sun was falling underneath the earth. I took one last look at the stars that were forming in the sky.


Author's Note: I liked how the short story, "Oreo Cookie" turned out, so I decided to make a sequel to it. I have had so much time to work on it that I may end up writing a sequel to "Downpour".

It rained. And rained. And rained and rained and rained. Four days straight. Nothing put the soft pattering of the rain against every window. Once in those four days, I wanted to go outside so bad that I actually did. I slid a clear poncho over myself. I could see a blur of color from my t-shirt. There was no hood, but I didn’t want one. Neither did I take or even want an umbrella.

Outside I was, soon enough, with my flip-flops getting wet and slobbery like a dog’s mouth. Then I started dancing around, waving my arms every which way. I wanted to feel just like I normally do when I go outside, but the drizzling rain turned into pouring rain. I felt the giant drops pound onto my scalp. My wavy brown hair turned into lumpy clumps faster than my mother could run around the circumference of the house. (She runs in marathons.) Before I knew it, my mother was at the door screaming, “Erika, you come back here right now, young lady!” When I scooted toward the door, all sopping wet, she continued to say in a worried-yelling voice, “What were you thinking? You could get pneumonia by tromping out there!”

Som after feeling just a little ashamed of myself, I went to my room and flopped onto my bed. When I woke up, I started coughing. Only once, though. (Most people cough once in awhile right when they get up, right?) Before I knew it, my mother was flying down the hallway with her bathrobe open and fluttering like a butterfly in the wind. She was saying, “HA! I KNEW it! I told you that you were going to get sick!”

I replied, feeling like the mature one here, “Actually, usually I cough right when I-” I stopped. Right there in the middle of my sentence. That’s because I knew it wasn’t worth arguing. Or even saying just one more word to her. It’s just not worth it.

Finally it stopped raining. It was hard to feel all peaceful today because my two younger brothers were outside running and screaming all day. So, my day was ruined. But it wasn’t all too bad. After all, they’re just kids, AND tomorrow’s always another day.

Another Day
Author's Note: I still feel the need to write more of this short story series. It is kind of like a diary. So, this is the newest entry.

It’s another day. Finally. But... one thing wrong with that. As I write this, I can almost hear a voice going, “What’s that?”. Well, I will tell you what that is. My mother took us to the fair. That is always a good time, but I wanted to spend the day by myself again. I guess that won’t ever happen. Don’t get me wrong, I like the fair. With all the fumes of cotton candy and corn dogs. Even though I am a vegetarian, who says I can’t smell things?

All the way to the fair, I could only hear one thing. That, my friend, was my brothers bickering. They always do that, but usually not for a whole 45 minutes! Anyways, after a while, I could start to see endless fields of grass. Although, they aren’t REALLY endless, because where would the fair be? I knew we were approaching when I saw cars on the grass.

The car stopped and my brothers leaped out and started running so fast that you’d think there was a fire behind them. I slowly arose from the car.

And the day just went downhill from there.

I don’t want to bore you with over-normal-length details. So, just to make it short, Kyle (not Kevin) broke his arm. Maybe that was a little too short. He was running, of course. But that’s not exactly how he broke his arm. He was running toward the “Tilt-a-Whirl”, (which by the way, my father calls the “Tilt-a-Puke” because you get dizzy,) and not looking where he was going. There was this strange, like REALLY strange person(?). I put a question mark because I’m not even sure if it was a person... ANYWAYS, they had metal...stuff... on them. They were wearing what looked like a BLACK lab coat. Also, they wore a bright red, fluffy hat. Kyle eventually ran into this person. He screamed, “Ow, person!” Their arm swung out and slid him to the ground. His arm broke his fall. My mother refuses to hear anything about the person that happens to be negative.

So, this was another day wasted. Now I am in Urgent Care, waiting for Kyle’s arm to be examined. Tomorrow is still another day, but I’m not going to make a big deal out of it. Every day is different. I guess I should try to enjoy as many of them as possible.